Members are required to:
- Acknowledge the guiding principles of the Council, including those embodied in the vision and mission statements, and agree to act in conformance with and support both.
- Demonstrate a commitment to waste prevention and reduction by submitting a Statement of Intent as part of the application process (see support documents below).
- Demonstrate organizational support for the Council by submitting a supporting letter or resolution as part of the application process (see support documents below)
- Identify a lead politician or senior staff to support the work of, and participate in, the NZWC.
- Be available to serve on NZWC working groups and committees.
- Attend the NZWC AGM to the best of their ability.
- Place the NZWC logo, and a link to the NZWC website, on their organization's website, and have their website linked on the NZWC website (the name of the NZWC nor its logo cannot be further used without explicit permission).
- Agree not to use the Council to promote their commercial interests.
Membership applications are reviewed for approval by the NZWC Management Board on a bi-monthly basis. Once approved, membership is valid for two years. Note that membership in the NZWC does not imply a partnership with the Council.