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What We're Doing

​​What we are doing

While reuse systems, including services, products and packaging, continue to receive attention in Canada, we can improve awareness of how these systems work, what it is required to scale them, and how to address barriers to implementation.

Reuse case studies

To support the adoption of reuse across sectors, the National Zero Waste Council has produced a series of case studies that demystify how reuse can work.

Businesses that offer reuse services

Case studies feature return and refill businesses operating in sectors ranging from food and beverage, to supply chain logistics, and fast moving consumer goods. Learn more about how the systems work​!



Fresh Prep​

Refill Coalition

Aelen – Soapstand

TURN Systems

Reuse system adopters

Metro Vancouver-specific case studies, from the perspective of clients of reuse system operators, have been produced through a collaboration between the UBC Sustainability Scholars Program and Metro Vancouver. Learn more.

Together, these case studies contribute to a growing understanding of reuse in Canada, helping to advance a waste-free circular economy.

​​Reuse opportunities across Canada

With rising interest in reuse, the Council commissioned a landscape scan on reuse initiatives, programs, and policies.

Reuse in Canada Landscape Scan: Understanding Opportunities to Advance Reuse identified and generalized the gaps and barriers to adopting reuse across six sectors in Canada: food packaging, personal care and household care product packaging, textiles (apparel and carpet), construction, renovation, and demolition materials, electronic equipment, and household goods/appliances. From the scan of research, policies, practices, and innovations related to reuse in Canada and beyond, the report provides recommendations for the opportunities to close gaps or overcome barr​iers generally and for each of the six sectors.

For more information on policy changes in support of reuse, visit Upstream’s Policy Tracker.

​Reusable products and services: safety during COVID-19

In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns about the safety of reusable products and services. The National Zero Waste Council collaborated with researchers and health experts to analyze this risk.

Opportunities for Reusables in Retail Settings During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada provides a science-based analysis and confirms that as long as precautions remain in place, reusable items such as bags, mugs, and refill dispensaries do not ​pose significant risk in terms of transmission of COVID-19, and in fact, can pose significant benefits.

This risk assessment has been echoed by agencies such as the BC Centre for Disease Control.


Reusable Products & Services

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