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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Love Food Hate Waste Canada

The National Zero Waste Council initiated the Love Food Hate Waste Canada campaign as a key deliverable of its strategy to reduce food waste across Canada.

Love Food Hate Waste (LFHW) Canada is a multi-year, collaborative campaign bringing together governments, retailers and others to help consumers rethink their relationship with food. The campaign launched in 2018 by the Council in collaboration with its campaign partners provides consumers across Canada with tips and ideas to effectively prevent food waste.

Love Food Hate Waste Canada

LFHW Canada engages Canadians to think about how households generate food waste and how by making different decisions when buying and storing food and in preparing meals, they can reduce this waste of resources. The advantage of a national campaign is the common messaging coming from a variety of partners from local and provincial governments to food retailers and other stakeholders using multiple platforms (e.g., via social media, in-store promotions, bus shelters).

Visit the LFHW Canada website.

Zero Waste Conference

The Zero Waste Conference is presented by Metro Vancouver and the National Zero Waste Council, offering participants a curated program of local and global thought leaders who share their insights and inspirations about circular economy success stories and waste prevention innovations. Visit the Conference website.


Circular Economy Leadership Canada

The National Zero Waste Council is proud to be a founding member of the Circular Economy Leadership Canada (CELC), announced at the G7 Environment Ministers meetings in Halifax by Catherine McKenna, Minister for Environment and Climate Change Canada on Sept. 20, 2018. The CELC is a national alliance of Canadian leaders working together to eliminate waste and accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions from the Canadian economy through the advancement of a circular economy.

Canadian Innovation Showcase

Global plastic pollution poses a multi-dimensional challenge to humanity, often compared to climate change in terms of impact, breadth, and complexity. A challenge of this magnitude will often inspire a surge in potential solutions.

To accelerate the search for solutions, Canada's National Zero Waste Council and Think Beyond Plastic TM collaborated in the Canadian Innovation Showcase to feature Canadian solutions to the plastics challenge. The scope for submissions was broad including products and systems developed by Canadian innovators that were consistent with the resource-efficient, lifecycle management approach to plastics described in the G7 Ocean Plastic Charter.

The top four submissions in the Canadian Innovation Showcase were: Bioastra Technologies, Pyroware, Soapstand and Sustainable Produce Urban Delivery (SPUD). They were announced at Metro Vancouver's  2018 Zero Waste Conference.

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