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Circular Cities - The Case of the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area


Held March 14, 2017, this webinar was the first of a two-part series on circular cities to be hosted by the National Zero Waste Council Circular Economy Working Group in 2017.

Cities and metropolitan regions are the epicenters of economic growth and innovation, offering an ideal testing ground for the application of circular economy principles and approaches. Across the globe, the circular economy is being embraced at the city level for its potential to encourage a systems approach to waste prevention and material savings as well as job creation and innovation. Featuring Jacqueline Cramer, Professor of Sustainable Innovation at Utrecht University and Member of the Amsterdam Economic Board, this webinar will present an in-depth overview of Amsterdam’s circular economy transition.  


Jacqueline Cramer

Jacqueline Cramer, Professor in Sustainable Innovation, Utrecht University, and
Member of the Amsterdam Economic Board


Moderator: Brock Macdonald, Board Member, National Zero Waste Council, and CEO, Recycling Council of BC


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