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Closing the Loop

How Material Exchanges Enable the Circular Economy

Tuesday, May 9, 2017, 9am-10am (PST)


Join us on May 9th to hear about innovative material exchanges and industrial symbiosis projects in Canada and the US.

Material exchanges can help businesses transition to a circular economy – creating financial savings and efficiencies by exchanging by-products, excess materials, water, energy, and logistics. When looking to close material loops, networks, systems and collaborations are important.  What may be waste for one organization, could be an important resource to another - if the right match can be made.  By looking at inputs and outputs with a circular economy lens, companies and institutions can reduce their reliance on virgin inputs by substituting secondary materials, and they can find a new home for their outputs and by-products – saving money while keeping excess material out of the waste stream. Learn how collaborations and partnerships can be facilitated, what platforms are available, and where the greatest opportunities are to enhance material exchanges across a number of sectors.


Moderated by Vanessa Timmer, Board Member, National Zero Waste Council, and Director, One Earth


  • Tracy Casavant, Light House Sustainable Building Centre and the National Industrial Symbiosis Program
  • Catherine Leighton, Partners in Project Green, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
  • Daniel Kietzer, United States Business Council for Sustainable Development

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