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National Food Waste Reduction Strategy Workshop

June 20, 2017 9:00am – 12:00pm
Écomusée du fier monde (Belvedere)
2050 Amherst St.
Montreal, Quebec


Food waste presents a significant problem economically, environmentally and socially. It is a challenge that faces countries around the world, including Canada. While European nations and the United States have taken leadership on the issue with changes in policy and practice, Canada is lagging behind.

The National Zero Waste Council has proposed a National Food Waste Strategy for Canada that takes the best of successful action worldwide and presents a three-pillar approach that includes recommendations for changes in policy, behavior, and innovation in infrastructure.  

The Council is reaching out to leaders in the public, private and community sectors who are involved with food loss and waste. The Council is seeking feedback on the National Food Waste Reduction Strategy with respect to implementation and collaboration. A deeper and more refined Strategy as a result of stakeholder feedback is expected in 2018.

Please join us for a presentation and workshop discussion on the National Food Waste Reduction Strategy on June 20, 2017.

The National Zero Waste Council is a leadership initiative bringing together governments, businesses and community organizations to advance waste prevention in Canada. The Council is focused on waste prevention and reduction through collaborative action on the design, production and use of goods.



  • Bob Long, Federation of Canadian Municipalities, National Zero Waste Council Board member and Food Working Group Co-Chair


National Zero Waste Council            


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